Andrew McMahon
How to Get Snow in Grand Theft Auto Online
In order to start a snowball fight with friends, the first thing you are going to have to do is know how to pick them up. Controls will obviously differ depending on what you’re playing GTA V on, as millions of players are spread across PS4, Xbox One, and PC, respectively. Here is how to pick up snow in GTA V on each platform.
PlayStation 4 – Press left on the d-pad (unarmed) Xbox One – Press right on the d-pad (unarmed) PC – Press G (unarmed)
Now that you know how to pick up snowballs, it’s important to know the rules. While snow can be majorly picked up everywhere, you can’t pick it up under bridges or places where snow can’t naturally fall. Also, throwing snowballs at NPCs or cops won’t result in any stars.
How to Throw Snowballs in GTA V
Now comes the important part: how to defeat your enemies with snowballs in GTA V. To throw these snowballs in GTA V, select them on your weapon wheel. Once you have them selected, simply press the aim and fire buttons that you normally would for any other weapon. You can store up to nine snowballs, which is plenty for taking down your rivals. GTA V’s Festive Surprise will last from December 24-26 and come back on New Years, lasting from Dec 31-Jan 2. For more information, be sure to check out the rest of our GTA V and GTA Online guides.