Justin Mercer

How to Fast Travel Using Challenge Rails in Sonic Frontiers

Undertaking the many environmental challenges in Sonic Frontiers’ open world is vital part of progressing through the game. Successfully completing a challenge will cause a large white railing to appear in the general vicinity, and these will directly link to other completed challenges nearby. Though not fast travel in the traditional sense of the term, boosting your way down these railings allows Sonic to cover large swaths of distance with minimal platforming and input required from the player. As a result, they’re perfectly suited for getting to another section of the map you’ve visited before in a speedy manner.

How to Fast Travel Between Zones in Sonic Frontiers

Once the player finishes the main story sequence of a given area, Sonic is immediately transported to the next one via a cutscene. After this happens, you may be wondering if you’re able to return to the previous zone in order to complete any remaining missions or snatch up any leftover collectibles. Rest assured, you can head back just as quickly as you left. All you have to do is open the map screen, press the button prompt found in the bottom left of the screen labeled “Switch Maps,” and then select the area you want to return to. Sonic will be placed at the very first area of whichever option you select.

How to Fast Travel Within a Zone in Sonic Frontiers

In order to unlock proper fast travel in Sonic Frontiers, the player must complete every challenge in a given zone. After this requirement is fulfilled, the player will be able to select any cyberspace portal found on that map and instantly teleport to it. Additionally, the game does provide the ability to warp within a zone itself before completing all challenges, but there are a few steps that need to be taken in order to access it. Throughout the game you’ll come across purple cyberspace portals. These lead to the fishing mini-game hosted by none other than Big the Cat, and playing it is the key to fast travel in Sonic Frontiers. After successfully reeling in a catch, Sonic will occasionally pull up a non-aquatic prize like a treasure chest or jump springs. Another potential reward are items called Elder Koco’s scroll and Hermit Koco’s scroll. These items permanently unlock the ability to instantly travel to the upgrade NPCs in that zone, which the player can use to zip to a nearby area of the map instead of running the whole way there. That was a breakdown of how to fast travel in Sonic Frontiers. If you’re curious about what you can do with the two NPCs mentioned above, our guide on raising Sonic’s stats is for you. Feel free to also take a look at our explanation of how many zones and levels there are in Frontiers.

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