We will be talking about Bill Gates today whose actual name was William Henry Bill Gates born on October 28, 1955 is an American business magnate, entrepreneur, philanthropist, investor, and programmer. In the year 1975, Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft, which became the world’s largest PC software company. As we all know, Bill Gates is the richest man of the world, but have you ever imagined if the richest man faces a situation where he has to live on $2 per day. What would he do ? On his blog, Gates notes, Bill gates discussed what he would do if he lived on just $2 a day? Bill gates replied that he would raise chickens. On being asked, he said that there is no single right answer because poverty looks different in different places. “But through my work with the foundation, I’ve met many people in poor countries who raise chickens, and I have learned a lot about the ins and outs of owning these birds. It’s pretty clear to me that just about anyone who’s living in extreme poverty is better off if they have chickens” “In fact, if I were in their shoes, that’s what I would do—I would raise chickens” Bill Gates also shares the reason why he favors raising chicken

Bill Gates feels that chickens are easy to take care of and are very cheap. Chickens are good investment source Eating chicken and eggs is beneficial for you and help to remain healthy They have a capability of generating income which in turn empowers women to take a lead as entrepreneurs.

Bill Gates met many people in poor countries who raise chickens and has come to the conclusion that an owner of 10 chickens can produce a flock of 40 chicks after a period of 3 months. if the sale value of every chicken is estimated $5, it means that an owner can on an average make around $1,000 per year. Owners who fall under the extreme poverty line can earn up to $700 a year. Bill Gates also said that their foundation is betting on chickens and their goal is to “eventually help 30 percent of the rural families in sub-Saharan Africa raise improved breeds of vaccinated chickens, up from just 5 percent now”