Andrew McMahon
You can check out the official trailer alongside some screenshots and an official description right down below. Have a Nice Death is available now as part of Early Access for $14.99, with the Infrastructure Development update going live at 1:30 pm today. For more information on the game, head over to the game’s official website on the Underworld Wide Web. Full Access to Modern Warfare Department – We gave everyone a small taste of this world when Have a Nice Death released last month. Starting today, you’ll now have access to the entire level, complete with five different enemies: a veteran armed with a drum of explosives, a headless figure who leaves behind land mines, a fire-breathing pyromaniac, a cadet with homing missiles and an unhinged pilot who drops bombs from above.  Breakroom Upgrades and New Relaxation Area – Visit the new water cooler in the breakroom, where you can trade Soulary in for Anima to restore health. There’s also a new vending machine where you can randomly score a new item or take damage if the machine is broken. If you need a break, you can visit the new Relaxation Area where you can pick up a healing cup of Koffee for free and rest up.  New Thanagers – Management has hired four new Thanagers (mini-bosses) to reign terror at Death Incorporated:  – Leon Clean is the custodial engineer responsible for keeping the Hall of Eternity spotless. Watch out for his deadly vacuum which projects deadly trash.  – X4-H is a dangerous mutagen with uncontrollable saliva who has taken over the Industrial Pollution Department.  – Richard J. Barron can also be found wandering the Industrial Pollution Department. In a former life, he was a crooked oil tycoon who profited from fossil fuel.  – Ms. Camille Flage may look slow, but she is a fury unleashed and has an insane vertical attack. She can be found trudging through the Modern Warfare Department.  Added Spells – Recruits can discover five brand new spells that give you the power to flambé enemies from a distance, deal massive damage with a single detonation, along with other abilities.   Bug Fixes and “Quality of Death Improvements” – We’ve tasked the minions at Magic Design Studios with updating game mechanics and fixing issues that our mortal players have reported in the first month of development.  

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