A new attempt by Facebook to combat false news

The social network giant Facebook and its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, continue to implement measures aimed at transparent information generated on their platform and, thus, to leave behind the stigma arising from the problem of false news, especially during the last presidential election in the US. Now, the social network giant, Facebook has recently announced that, as highlighted by the leading reliable media platforms, will penalize all those pages that share stories marked as false repeatedly, barring access to advertising. In that way, one of the great resources of a platform with millions of users is inaccessible. To perform this action, the social network giant Facebook will work together with other external organizations to verify the authenticity of the news. Upon detection of one of these cases, the aforementioned penalty will be applied. It is also important to point out that, faced with the penalty, those responsible will be able to complain to the social network or, failing that, to stop propagating news classified as false, they will again access the advertising on the site. The social networking giant Facebook has taken seriously the fight against fake news. Zuckerberg has on several occasions expressed that this news attempts the mission of the platform to connect people with stories relevant to them. Although much remains to be done, they will continue to advance with tools and solutions to combat them. So, what do you think about this measure taken by the social network giant FB? Simply leave us each of your views and thoughts in the comment section below.