Twinfinite Staff
Go ahead and throw in the answer to Animal symbol of Taurus crossword clue shown below into your crossword grid for today’s puzzle. If there’s more than one answer below, it’s because the same clue has been used across various different puzzles. The best thing to do in these cases is to double-check the letter count. That way, you’ll know that it’ll definitely fit your grid before you go writing it in.
Animal Symbol Of Taurus Crossword Answer
The answer to the Animal symbol of Taurus crossword clue is:
BULL (4 letters)
The clue and answer(s) above was last seen on August 1, 2022 in the NYT Mini. It can also appear across various crossword publications, including newspapers and websites around the world like the LA Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and more.
What is BULL?
A bull is an uncastrated male bovine animal. It’s more muscular and aggressive than the females of the same species. For more crossword clue answers, you can check out our website’s Crossword section. We also have related posts you may enjoy for other games, such as the daily Jumble answers, Wordle answer, and Heardle answer and Byrdle clue and answer.